Friday, June 27, 2008

Enterprise.. We will pick you up.. use you and then throw you away

Wow so where do I begin I dont even remember the last time i wrote a blog..

I want to talk about the job market.. The job market is terrible and Im not gonna sit here and blame W Bush or the american economy or what not. Im gonna blame Corporate America. It seems kids are more likely to get jobs out of college when they know somebody. Jobs that are hiring right out of college are really to be weary of. Companies like Enterprise Rent-a-Car and these scam marketing companies looking for young enthuastic hard working kids. These jobs and companies are scams.. Enterprise makes you work 11-12 hour days with hardly bullshit for pay making you sell scam insurance to a ungrateful, fuck heads of customers. With this fucking pipe dream of one day getting promoted.. to a manger who makes not too much more money and has a ton more responsibilty.

Then they have these scam marketing companies like Scanno Advertising, and the Alliance Executive Group who call young college kids promising them these great opportunties and then they make you go door to door sales seliing sports marketing brochures..

What a fucking joke its hard enough for us to find good jobs and now we have to look out for these sports scam advertising companies.. Its so bullshit.. Oh yeah I also love the interview proccess with some companies.. They make you go to like 4 interviews asking you the same fucking excact questions as the interviews before with the same people.. Sometime I think these companies know if they are hiring you from the first five minutes of meeting you. Kind of like how girls make their minds within the first five minutes of metting you if they aere going to have sex with you